Package 'hashprng'

Title: Hash-Based Matching Pseudo-Random Number Generation
Description: Provides helper functions for use of hash-based matching (HBM) for pseudo-random number generation (PRNG) in stochastic simulations. HBM-PRNG is an approach to simplify matching synthetic experiment samples, which ensures that matched runs different only in the focal parameters, not in their chance events.
Authors: Carl Pearson [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Carl Pearson <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2024-08-10 04:16:49 UTC

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Hash-Based Matching Pseudo-Random Number Generation


Hash-Based Matching Pseudo-Random Number Generation


hash_seed(salt, ...)

hash_salt(salt, ...)



the matching value for a particular collection of simulations


distinguishing features to identify the event; see details.


These functions provide convenient invocation for hash-based matching pseudo-random generation (HBM-PRNG).

hash_seed uses a salt value along with distinguishing features of an event. Typically, salt distinguishes an overall sample simulation, but it can also be a temporarily computed value for events that share some-but-not all features.

hash_salt computes a partial hash, for when several events need draws, but share a partially consistent feature set. The result of hash_salt can for the consistent features can be computed once, then provided to hash_seed along with remaining distinct features.

For matched stochastic simulation, we desire a few properties:

  • the same random events are resolved consistently

  • possibility of different stochastic samples

  • reproducibility of pseudo-random simulations

Traditional PRNG seeding provides the latter points. To the extent that the PRNG is traversed the same way across simulations, events will also be resolved consistently. However, once event resolution leads to diverging outcomes (the whole point of doing otherwise-matched simulations with some parameter varying), the overall trajectory of the simulation will be begin to exercise the PRNG differently. When different events occur between the samples, this does not matter - one random deviate is as good as another. However, diverging trajectories can still share some of the same events. These events should be resolved consistently: for example, if a probabilistic threshold is increasing across scenarios, then a particular event testing that should only change from pass to fail. In practice, this means that same events need have the same PRNG draws, which is not possible if the PRNG state has otherwise diverged due to other parts of the simulation.

The HBM PRNG approach encodes events such that when they are the same (as defined by the simulation), they create identical hashes, which are then used to set the PRNG state. This ensure the same subsequent draws for that event.


salt <- 8675309
evt <- list(type = "infection", from = 1, to = 2, time = 3.1)
evt2 <- list(type = "recovery", from = 1, to = 2, time = 3.1)
salt |> hash_seed(evt$type, evt$from, evt$to, evt$time)
salt |> hash_seed(evt$type, evt$from, evt$to, evt$time)
salt <- 42
salt |> hash_seed(evt$type, evt$from, evt$to, evt$time)

hashprng: Hash-Based Matching Pseudo-Random Number Generation


The hashprng package provides single function for use during stochastic simulation to streamline salting + event hashing + reseeding the R random number generator. The sole function in the package is hash_seed.